What's New For VinylMaster V5
Plugins & Modules

ImageCut New
Turn color or monochrome images and photos into cuttable artwork which appears to be a photo from a distance!

Perimeter Measuring Module New
Measures the length of the perimeter of a selected vector object or text. Ideal for working out the length of the material (aluminium/plastic/metal etc.) required to make extruded letters or shapes.

Rhinestone Module New
The Rhinestone module allows you to create an outher path and/or to fill a shape or text with all popular rhinestone sizes with several fill styles (patterns) to be cut out and used as a stencil.

True Nesting New
Automatically interlocks objects of the same color together on the page to significantly reduce media (vinyl) wastage.

Image Nesting New
New option to automatically create a clipping path around images, when generating a cutting contour (allows nesting images with opaque backgrounds, hiding the parts outside the cut line) so they can overlap and save media.

Create Line Tool New
Create perfectly horizontal and vertical lines, inc. to any angle with an auto-join feature. Ideal for making fold lines and developing geometric shapes.
Curve & Shaping Tools

Bezier Curves New
Bezier curves are easy to draw and to edit on the fly because the curve itself is completely contained within the convex hull of its control points. This means the curve can be manipulated intuitively to easily create almost any shape!

Replace Section improved
Replaces any section of curve (seamlessly replaces curve section with smoother section).

Import Images improved
Import the most popular raster (image) formats including .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .psd, .raw, .rle, .tga and .tiff and Export .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .tiff.

Import Vectors improved
Import the most popular vector based formats including .ai, .dxf, .emf, .eps, .hpgl, .pdf, .plt, .ps, .psd, .pdoc, .vClip, .vLogo, .wmf.

Import PDF Extended New
1. New import PDF now allows you to quickly assign cutting tools by color (Cut Contour, Fold Contours, etc) and 2. to bring in the artwork relative to the page it was designed on.

Export Files improved
Export the most popular file formats: ai, .bmp, .dxf, .eps, .jpg, .pdf, .png, and .svg.

Exporting Files (Advanced) Advanced
Export additional vector and raster based formats including .plt and .tiff.

Publish to CMYK Improved
Publish your artwork in CMYK - ready for Offset Printing in either .tiff or .pdf.
Arrange Tools

Circle Array advanced
Auto circular array to any radius and quantity of a selected item.
Vinyl Cutting

Contour Cutting Wizard Improved
Interactive Contour Cutting Wizard that supports Auto-Mark (Auto-Detect) Cutters and Laser Pointer Cutters to quickly guide you to Print and Cut on 2 Devices or to Print, Laminate and then Cut on the same device. Easily calibrate your laser pointer and work with rotated artwork.

Contour Cutting Presets New
New preset cutting tools/contours, ability to create perforation cuts and fold lines.

ARMS / CCD Cutters (extended) Extended
Supports all major and popular ARMS (laser sensor) and CCD (camera fitted) cutters for the most accurate of contour cutting.
Cut Document Tools

On-screen dimensions in any units that automatically update with each Print Job.

Edit Tools New
Cutfile editing tools to improve layout and cutting including Automatic and Manual Align Marks, Chopping Guide with Overlap, Lift Marks, Speed-Weed, Group/Ungroup, Break Apart/Combine, Rotation and Duplicate.

Step & Repeat
Automated feature that operates with Optimal Packing to repeat Print Jobs and only RIP a single instance of the repeated file.

Crop (Trim) Tools
Trim Options (Trim from: Left, Right, Top and Bottom) to Position your Artwork precisely where you want it to cut out on the vinyl.

Automatically positions separate Print Jobs together into a Single Print Queue ready to be immediately Ripped or printed out to minimize media waste.

Tile Bleed (Overlap) New
Suite of tools to manage overwide cut files and create an Overlap to deal with shrinking on site.
Vinyl Spooler

Production Queue Improved
Cut/Plot to multiple plotters at the same time over multiple ports and/or an Ethernet connection.

CCD Support New
Ability to detect CCD marks for artwork designed in another program where supported by the cutter driver.

QR Codse Support New
Ability to scan barcodes and QR codes in the vinyl spooler (depending on driver support).

16x Cut Passes New
Up to 16x cutting passes (useful for laser cutters to cut wood or thicker materials).

Cutfile Management Improved
Save, Hold, Resend and Archive Cut Files. Force contours to be cut either in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.

QR Codes New
Support for QR and dual QR Codes which allows loading the sheets upside down or normally, where supported by the cutter driver.
Vinyl Cutter Tools

Blade Compensation Improved
Prevents the Plotter/Vinyl Cutter from Rounding-off Corners and stopping short of completing the cut. Ideal for small text and intricate designs.